Friday, March 12, 2010

After I braided 40ft of sky blue fabric I went home and hung some of my smaller pieces on it to see if I could use any of them for the flag and to get a feel for what it would look like hanging. I decided to use only the city pieces as the first and last fabric panels. Then I irritated my daughter for some advice and begun writing the 13 word panels. After I knew what I wanted to say, I began to paint and sew the panels. I stuck some lace into a cold cup of coffee over night and kept on working the next day. I had 11 visual drawings/paintings that I had to think about and how they would pertain to the words. I was really interested in being able to tell a specific story without having to directly spell it out. I was trying to incorporate two parallel stories but also give an overall feel or unifying presentation. I wanted it to be sensual and pensive and earthy and fragile. It is a story, firstly, of my desires to be free, to connect with nature and the cycles that brings me back to the city and of the belief that there is no separation between the pavement or my thighs. That human nature IS nature and yet there is a sense of suffering if I'm unable to focus my attention on that side of nature; the greens and blues and skin and tangled hair and wind burned and dirt below the nails. I really like to climb trees and be in the mud. I like being cold and hot and wet and winded. I think of this often when I am among the is my yearning to be held.

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